Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Breaking down the Walls: Creating a Community of Brothers
A men’s weekend designed for local churches to build authentic community with one another.

“The Breaking Down the Walls retreat did just that for the men in our congregation.After a BDTW weekend, I saw men breaking down emotional walls that had kept themisolated for years. The unique combination of teaching, hands-on interaction, and small
group time made a powerful impact. I’d recommend this retreat for any group who wants
to move beyond sitting in rows listening to a talking head!” Ed Rowell, Senior Pastor, Tri-Lakes Chapel, Monument, Colorado

“I would recommend “Breaking Down the Walls” to other men’s ministries who areserious about breaking down walls and living life to the full. Many of our retreats stayon the surface and don’t dig down deep. This one forces you to continuously “peel back thelayers of the onion” and look deep into your soul.” Chris Platt, Missions and MinistryPastor, Crestwood Baptist Church, Louisville, Kentucky

“This might be the most significant retreat a pastor can bring his men to. The weekend is
rooted in solid Biblical foundations and the facilitators create a safe environment for men
to expose their deepest wounds and find healing from the only true source- The Cross!”
-- Pastor Gene Binder, Cornerstone Church of Boulder Valley, Boulder, CO

What is unique about this men’s retreat?

This weekend focuses on the men who attend not the speaker. It is intentionally
designed to facilitate authenticity, that we might “walk in the light” so that we can have genuine fellowship with one another. Throughout the weekend there are short teachings, large and small group experiences, and personal times for reflection. Symbols and visual elements are used to help anchor the message in the hearts of the men. Rooted in scripture the weekend endeavors to take the Biblical truths from the realm of concept to real life experience.

Who would this retreat be appropriate for?
Any church that has as a goal to:

• Make a step toward creating authentic, honest, and open community as brothers in Christ.
• Inspire men to live more fully out of who they are as Christian men, husbands, fathers and
• Help men to indentify how they put up walls between themselves, God and others.
• Model for men how to come before God and others to experience freedom from these walls.

For more info or to schedule a Breaking Down the Walls Men’s weekend contact:
The Cross Ministry Group @ 303-601-0640 or info@crossmg.org , www.crossmg.org

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

CrossOver launches

CrossOver is the youth ministry of The Cross Ministry Group. For many years while I was on staff with Student Venture I wrestled with the fact that our culture has nothing that intentially calls boys into manhood. Yes, the world does but not the body of Christ so that is why I created this weekend.

Here's a little more about it. 1 Corinthians 13:11 says: When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. What does it mean to put childish things behind?
CrossOver weekend takes a look at the things that hold boys back from being fully alive and balanced men. This is a rites of passage weekend where the boys who come are given opportunities to discover what it means to be a Christian man. They will also be called into manhood by the men on the weekend.
What is required of the boys who come? To be open in what might be a difficult task of looking at those things that might hinder them from experiencing God's purpose for them as a man. The question the boys need to answer is: Are you willing to look at what a Biblical/Christian man is and what could be holding you back from being the man that God says you are?
What we offer is an opportunity to discover what an authentic Christian man looks like and for a boy to get honest with himself, other boys, the leaders, and God. You interested in bringing your son to a weekend like this? Let me know! www.Crossmg.org
We have had great spring with the Cross Ministry group. We did 3 Men at the Cross weekend's, 4 Breaking Down the Wall's weekends, our second ever Women at the Cross Weekend and will be launching CrossOver this fall. Also, we have 8 small groups(R-groups) going. 2 of these are out of state, one in Kentucky and one in Texas. We also did our first Men at the Cross out of the state of Colorado in Louisville, Kentucky. Read on for more of whats going on with The Cross Ministry Group.